paroles de chanson / Charles Aznavour parole / traduction La Mamma  | ENin English

Traduction La Mamma en Anglais

Interprète Charles Aznavour

Traduction de la chanson La Mamma par Charles Aznavour officiel

La Mamma : traduction de Français vers Anglais

They have come
They are all here
As soon as they heard this cry
She's going to die, the mamma
They have come
They are all here
Even those from the south of Italy
There's even Giorgio, the cursed son
With presents full of arms
All the children play in silence
Around the bed or on the tile
But their games are not important
It's a bit their last gifts
To the mamma, to the mamma

We warm her up with kisses
We prop up her pillows
She's going to die, the mamma
Saint Mary full of graces
Whose statue is on the square
Of course you extend your arms to her
Singing to her Ave Maria
Ave Maria
There's so much love, so many memories
Around you, you the mamma
There's so many tears and smiles
Through you, you the mamma

And all the men have been so hot
On the paths of great sun
She's going to die, the mamma
They drink fresh the new wine
The good wine from the good vine
While piling up haphazardly
On the benches, scarves and hats
It's funny we don't feel sad
Near the big bed and the affection
There's even an uncle guitarist
Who plays while being careful
To the mamma, to the mamma

And the women remembering
The sad songs of the vigils
She's going to die, the mamma
Very softly, eyes closed
They sing as one cradles a child
After a good day
So that he smiles while falling asleep
Ave Maria
There's so much love, so many memories
Around you, you the mamma
There's so many tears and smiles
Through you, you the mamma
That never, never, never
Will you leave us
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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