paroles de chanson / Dub Inc. parole / traduction Puzzle  | ENin English

Traduction Puzzle en Anglais

Interprète Dub Inc.

Traduction de la chanson Puzzle par Dub Inc. officiel

Puzzle : traduction de Français vers Anglais

And when everything scatters like the pieces of a puzzle
Without even understanding all our feelings
If sometimes the vertigo of possibilities blinds us
Without even learning from our past fears
Castles made of cards to treasures now
That nothing can bring down like our giant hearts
Take the time for another time!

If we play deaf as every time we isolate ourselves
When words surpass us, everything can move
If it's about love and reason becomes crazy
Our looks fade as if nothing existed
Everything has its end, everything is consumed
We would like to believe, everything can be replaced
You know, nothing is in vain, everything is the sum
Of the best stories like the mistakes of the past
We burn like supernovas, the light that we see
Consumes but does not die, strikes!
I wait for the eclipse like a Maya, persist in the magma
I only exist if you see it
Adjust our two worlds, without stirring our demons
Our emotions get confused, when anger floods us

And when everything scatters like the pieces of a puzzle
Without even understanding all our feelings
If sometimes the vertigo of possibilities blinds us
Without even learning from our past fears
Castles made of cards to treasures now
That nothing can bring down like our giant hearts
Take the time for another time!

And even if we are different
Everything is similar in our discernments
And when upheavals come
Rebuild everything with determination
Despite all that we inflict on ourselves, our wounds drown in oblivion
Despite the bad blows, our silences, our amnesias
The world is a witness, transcribed in our
To take everything back in hand at the turn of a poetry
Let our doubts fall, find our antidote
No matter what it costs us
Something on the road, we are the only pilots
To pass between the drops

And when everything scatters like the pieces of a puzzle
Without even understanding all our feelings
If sometimes the vertigo of possibilities blinds us
Without even learning from our past fears
Castles made of cards to treasures now
That nothing can bring down like our giant hearts
Take the time for another time!

As if nothing existed, know how to start all over again
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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