paroles de chanson / Eslabón Armado parole / traduction Diciembre  | ENin English

Traduction Diciembre en Anglais


Traduction de la chanson Diciembre par Eslabón Armado officiel

Diciembre : traduction de autre langue vers Anglais

I would like to hold you, bring down the moon for you
I know I'm a nobody
Give me your hand to feel
What I have inside and it's for you

I've always dreamed of you, I've even drawn you
I fall into your big eyes, your smile makes me happy
I want to have you close to me

Just tell me what it costs to have you here with me
Put a price on it and I would give everything for your love
To share December with you

Just listen to me, I will never disrespect you, I swear to God
I don't want to make your beautiful eyes cry, everyone believe me I will give you

Like you there is no one, you are incomparable
I want to dedicate thousands of songs to you
Wake up and see you smile

I will bring you everything, a band or a northern
Roses and a big bear, the world to share it together
Live it very happy

If I fell in love, why lie to you if in truth you have me crazy
Eager to have a kiss from you and see the stars at night

Just tell me what it costs to have you here with me
Put a price on it and I would give everything for your love
To share December with you
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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