paroles de chanson / Eslabón Armado parole / traduction Jugaste Y Sufrí  | ENin English

Traduction Jugaste Y Sufrí en Anglais

Interprètes Eslabón ArmadoDannyLux

Traduction de la chanson Jugaste Y Sufrí par Eslabón Armado officiel

Jugaste Y Sufrí : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

I don't get upset at you anymore
I just observe and think
"She disappointed me"

And I distance myself more from you
Because I don't want to suffer anymore
I want to be happy

Your love is poison and more
And I feel a pain, in my soul
But calmly

I unlock my phone
And see you were with another guy
How do I feel

I call you to confirm
But you don't want to answer
You kill me

I don't know what the reason was
If I was giving you all my love
I'm torn

I had faith in you
But you played and I suffered
I'm really doing bad
I'm here by myself in my solitude

I never lied to you
You were my whole world
And the truth is
You left me depleted

All my love and all of myself
I gave it all to you, why?

Here it goes, baby
Isn't that right, Danny, my homie?
Homie Pedro

My heart isn't the same
A would that is indeed fatal
I won't love again

I sob when there's rain
Because when I do, no one hears me
I drown in my tears

I don't feel better
But the body gets used to it
With a bottle or two, I'll forget you with that

And now I say goodbye to you
Wasted my time with you
I see a future
But you and I aren't in it

All my love and all of myself
I gave it all to you, why?
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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