paroles de chanson / Eslabón Armado parole / traduction Loco Enamorado  | ENin English

Traduction Loco Enamorado en Anglais

Interprète Eslabón Armado

Traduction de la chanson Loco Enamorado par Eslabón Armado officiel

Loco Enamorado : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

I want you here with me
I dream of you day and night without stopping
You are what I've always wanted
They call me crazy and I don't care
You simply complete my whole life
You bring a vibe that no one else can show
With your kisses, you send me to another planet

They call me a crazy lover
Because I'm always where you are
Baby, you're what I've desired
You kill everyone when you walk
Your smile enlarges my whole soul
You hold my hand and I blush more
You're not stuck up and you always support me

I have a thousand reasons to love you
I don't express myself like this with anyone else
You're the best, no doubt, I'm not lying
You drive me crazy
A work of art
Walking together in the afternoons
Waking you up with a coffee
Dancing you and I a beautiful song
And not parting no matter what happens

You fix everything and I get angry
You calm me with your tender caresses
You cook for me when I arrive
With a kiss, you become happy
I don't know what I would do if you leave my life
The truth is you're not like anyone else
I thank you a thousand times for entering my life

I have a thousand reasons to love you
I don't express myself like this with anyone else
You're the best, no doubt, I'm not lying
You drive me crazy
A work of art
Walking together in the afternoons
Waking you up with a coffee
Dancing you and I a beautiful song
And not parting no matter what happens
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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