paroles de chanson / Eslabón Armado parole / traduction Tres De La Mañana  | ENin English

Traduction Tres De La Mañana en Anglais

Interprète Eslabón Armado

Traduction de la chanson Tres De La Mañana par Eslabón Armado officiel

Tres De La Mañana : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

Three in the morning I was with you, we went out to drink, a night of beautiful adventure
And flirtatious, you wouldn't stop talking
I had you with me, only memories
You were so special, my gift, I treated you well with kisses
And roses, I took you for a walk, you're not like others, when you were cold I hugged you

I'm not doing well, my heart is broken
Not even with drugs or alcohol will I be able to erase the nights
That we had of passion
I feel like calling you
To tell you how much I loved you, sing you songs, whatever, I really messed up

Here goes this letter, I'm hurt
It's not your fault, it's me who did wrong
Everything is tilting, my ship is sinking, I only ask you to read this
I'm not going to stop if I tell you
I'm going to fight for you, I know it's going to cost me
You'll have my word, all my trust
Without you I'm not alive, give me a chance

I know I'm not perfect but I carry a very pure heart
I'm the beast and you're the beauty
You have what I've desired
I won the biggest gold
No one can replace you, how can I deny those diamond eyes
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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