paroles de chanson / Flavien Berger parole / traduction Jericho  | ENin English

Traduction Jericho en Anglais

Interprète Flavien Berger

Traduction de la chanson Jericho par Flavien Berger officiel

Jericho : traduction de Français vers Anglais

It's been nights and nights
That I revisit these places
It's stories in the dark
When I close my eyes
You see
It's strange and it's charming
To know the fire
Stir without radar
Knowing that we are two
You see

I would like to go back, there

Every time it's there
I find my wings
I revisit these places
Like the citadel
You see
Elusive convoys
Slipping through the alleys
The magic, you and me
And then some candles
You see

I would like to go back, there
I would like to go back, there
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: REVERIE

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