paroles de chanson / Fuerza Regida parole / traduction Dueño de Ti  | ENin English

Traduction Dueño de Ti en Anglais

Interprète Fuerza Regida

Traduction de la chanson Dueño de Ti par Fuerza Regida officiel

Dueño de Ti : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

I'm going to bless your name
My life, I'm going to be the man
Who shouts to the four winds "I love you"
I'm going to give you roses
Beautiful, I'm going to confess to you
Precious, that if you kiss me, I lose

You drive me crazy, crazy, crazy
You always have me at your whim
Because you know that with just one kiss you take over
Of me
You kill me with that look
You have me with every word
You tell me with every second that I spend,
Next to you
If before I was a Don Juan now I am

I'm your slave, I'm your errand boy
I'm your cat, I'm your gunslinger
I am whatever you fancy
But never leave me
I'm the dog that follows your steps
The beggar who with just one kiss becomes
Much more than that
Just for being the owner of you

Little girl

I'm going to bless your name
My life, I'm going to be the man
Model who never tells you lies
I'm going to give you a small chest
Small where I have kept
My dreams of having you every day
My life

You drive me crazy, crazy, crazy
You always have me at your whim
Because you know that with just one kiss you take over
Of me
You kill me with that look
You have me with every word
You tell me with every second that I spend
Next to you
If before I was a Don Juan now I am

I'm your slave, I'm your errand boy
I'm your cat, I'm your gunslinger
I am whatever you fancy
But never leave me
I'm the dog that follows your steps
The beggar who with just one kiss becomes
Much more than that
Just for being the owner of you
Just for being the owner
Of you
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Peermusic Publishing

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