paroles de chanson / Grupo Maximo Grado parole / traduction El Hombre Del Equipo  | ENin English

Traduction El Hombre Del Equipo en Anglais

Interprète Grupo Maximo Grado

Traduction de la chanson El Hombre Del Equipo par Grupo Maximo Grado officiel

El Hombre Del Equipo : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

It's not the frame
What matters all the time is the portrait
I relax
And all the time I keep a low profile
On the shore
Or in the embers, I walk from here upwards
I'm batteries
When the traffic light turns yellow

Friends are those I carry hanging no more
Counted are those who have shown me their esteem
And I live only for my family

In the crowd
They distinguish me just by seeing me in fashion
There are people
Who, upon seeing me, are bothered by my presence
It annoys me
That they look at me all the time with envy
That effect
I cause almost always when I introduce myself

I want them to ask themselves just one question
If they see me enjoying and not just barely
Their little hands teach them to work

Well pulled
With the man of the coveted team
Oh calm down

And it's my appearance
It's my way of treating them with respect
Be from above
Be from below, I use the same saliva
My family
My job and a Saint Jude who takes care of me
Very discreet
Although sometimes I like to be very restless

One person is the one who accompanies me no more
And to let you know right now and once and for all
I am a friend and I also know how to behave badly

Well pulled
With my friend and brother of good degree
With a wine
I also want to greet my friend Lino
The one from Denver
Colorado, knows that he is very appreciated
And the old man from
The crew we are a quarter mile

Compa Camilo and Pani who are in San Luis
With the beretta and also with the short R
Always ready batteries to work
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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