paroles de chanson / Jacques Brel parole / traduction Vieillir  | ENin English

Traduction Vieillir en Anglais

Interprète Jacques Brel

Traduction de la chanson Vieillir par Jacques Brel officiel

Vieillir : traduction de Français vers Anglais

To die blushing
Following the war he wages
Because of the Germans
Due to the English

To die an honest lover
Between the breasts of a fat woman
Against the bones of a skinny one
In the ass of a low pit

To die of shivering
To die of dissolving
Of shriveling up
To die of coming undone

Or to end his journey
On the night of his hundred years
A thunderous old man
Lifted by a few women
Nailed to the Great Bear
Spitting out his last tooth
Singing "Amsterdam!"

To die, that's nothing
To die, what a beautiful thing!
But to grow old, oh, oh to grow old

To die, to die of laughter
That's possibly true
Besides, the proof is
That they no longer dare to laugh too much

To die of playing the fool
To cheer up the desert
To die facing cancer
By the referee's stoppage

To die under the cloak
So anonymous
So incognito
That a synonym dies

Or to end his journey
On the night of his hundred years
A thunderous old man
Lifted by a few women
Nailed to the Great Bear
Spitting out his last tooth
Singing "Amsterdam"

To die, that's nothing
To die, what a beautiful thing!
But to grow old, oh to grow old

To die covered in honor
And dripping with money
Asphyxiated under flowers
To die as a monument

To die at the end of a blonde
Where nothing happens
Where time overtakes us
Where the bed falls into the grave

To die insignificant
At the bottom of a herbal tea
Between a medication
And a fruit that fades

Or to end his journey
On the night of his thousand years
A thunderous old man
Lifted by a few women
Nailed to the Great Bear
Spitting out his last tooth
Singing "Amsterdam"

To die, that's nothing
To die, what a beautiful thing!
But to grow old, oh, oh to grow old
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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