paroles de chanson / Kevin Kaarl parole / traduction Si Supieras  | ENin English

Traduction Si Supieras en Anglais

Interprète Kevin Kaarl

Traduction de la chanson Si Supieras par Kevin Kaarl officiel

Si Supieras : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

If you knew everything I think
When I wake up
You would never doubt
Never doubt my love

Feeling your breath
Next to mine
Made me understand that you're not cold
That you're better, better, better

Waking up is a relief
To see that you're with me
And that we both love each other

I'm surprised that you really love me
Honestly, truly
That you're not made of paper

I have no doubt anymore
And I give myself to you, to you, to you

If they knew how I see you sometimes
They would never say no
But say goodbye to them, there's nothing left
But you, but you and me
But you, but you, but you and me

I won't ever let you down
And I feel like you won't either

I can't stop thinking about you
In your honey eyes
In the way you kiss
In the way you love
If they knew how I see you sometimes
They would never say no
But say goodbye to them
There's nothing left but you and me
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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