paroles de chanson / Los Aptos parole / traduction Enamorado  | ENin English

Traduction Enamorado en Anglais

Interprète Los Aptos

Traduction de la chanson Enamorado par Los Aptos officiel

Enamorado : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

I can't do anything else anymore
Living without your beautiful soul
That heals me in an instant
You are very important
You are a form of art
And I just want to love you

Because it's you
The person who kills me with a look
The one who with a look takes out my words
And like a prisoner, you take me to your bed
Because it's you
The person with whom I want to be
With you forever for eternity
And this love is real, that's what scares me

You take me to another world with your love
Which is so sweet that it takes away my pain

I just want to give you everything
It doesn't matter, I find the way
To give you the whole world and more
I would like to tell the truth
Because this love does not leave me in peace
And I would cross the sea for you

Because it's you
The person who kills me with a look
The one who with a look takes out my words
And like a prisoner, you take me to your bed
Because it's you
The person with whom I want to be
With you forever for eternity
And this love is real, that's what scares me

You take me to another world with your love
Which is so sweet that it takes away my pain
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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