paroles de chanson / Ouidad parole / traduction Je reste  | ENin English

Traduction Je reste en Anglais

Interprète Ouidad

Traduction de la chanson Je reste par Ouidad officiel

Je reste : traduction de Français vers Anglais

I don't even remember what we said
Or what we were doing that day
But from the moment you left
I knew you would be everywhere

In the smallest memories of the country
It's a bit of you that I find
I see us dancing as a family
Singing Fairuz's songs

I saw flowers grow this morning
I imagine it's you sending me color
To make it easier
Waiting in this hallway
Where the sun is all black

It's not true that time heals
I will always hurt even if I smile
I don't believe that under the rain
We can mask, mask the sadness
It's not true that time heals
But if I have to wait here
I will do everything so that you still feel
My love as long as you sleep

I, I stay
But I, I stay
Looking at the sky
Your name on my lips

I remember you used to call me princess
But the crown suited you better
So much love in each of your gestures
Even when your hands braided my hair

And when I get lost I will stop
Looking at your old photos
Where you are among the stars
The angels have never been so beautiful

I saw flowers grow this morning
I imagine it's you sending me color
To make it easier
Waiting in this hallway
Where the sun is all black

It's not true that time heals
I will always hurt even if I smile
I don't believe that under the rain
We can mask, mask the sadness
It's crazy to believe that time heals
But if I have to wait here
I will do everything so that you still feel
My love as long as you sleep

I, I stay
But I, I stay
Looking at the sky
Your name on my lips
But I, I stay
Looking at the sky
I will do everything so that you still feel
My love as long as you sleep
I, I stay
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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