paroles de chanson / Paul Kalkbrenner parole / traduction Si Soy Fuego  | ENin English

Traduction Si Soy Fuego en Anglais

Interprète Paul Kalkbrenner

Traduction de la chanson Si Soy Fuego par Paul Kalkbrenner officiel

Si Soy Fuego : traduction de Espagnol vers Anglais

I understand
We go so far without stopping
And because I am fire

If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky
If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky

If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky
If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky

Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop
Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop

Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop
Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop

Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop
Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop


Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop
Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop

Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop
Going to the top
I want that
Don't stop


If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky
If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky

If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky
If I am fire
When we arrive
As high as the sky
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: BMG Rights Management, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Peermusic Publishing

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