paroles de chanson / Shaira parole / traduction Selos  | ENin English

Traduction Selos en Anglais

Interprètes ShairaKrishna Ares Glang

Traduction de la chanson Selos par Shaira

Selos : traduction de Tagalog vers Anglais


Every time I see you two together,
I get annoyed and it ruins my day.

And I don't know why this is happening,
I'm just hurt even though we're not together.

My heart is bleeding,
And it feels like my chest is tightening,
Every time I see you two side by side.

Oh oh, even though we're not the two of us,
I'm always jealous of her.

Why is it her and why not me?
I hope you notice what I feel for you.

If it's not me, I hope you two just die.
And I don't know why this is happening,
I'm just hurt even though we're not together.

Oh oh, my heart is bleeding,
And it feels like my chest is tightening,
Every time I see you two side by side.

Oh oh, even though we're not the two of us,
I'm always jealous of her.
Why is it her and why not me?
Crédits traduction : traduction ajoutée par N/A

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