paroles de chanson / Solitude Is Bliss parole / traduction Just One Thing  | ENin English

Traduction Just One Thing en Anglais

Interprète Solitude Is Bliss

Traduction de la chanson Just One Thing par Solitude Is Bliss officiel

Just One Thing : traduction de Thaï vers Anglais

Just one day, I just want to go back
I don't want to hurt anyone anymore
I've had enough
Just one thing that came up
It deceived me into deceiving myself
Ah, ah

I'm in a cruel prison, too much to bear
Because of myself
I'm confused by just one thing that makes me
Become a beast that forgets it once had love and faith
Become a beast that devours the body until nothing is left
Ha, woo hoo, ah

I'm in a cruel prison, too much to bear
Because of myself
I'm confused by just one thing that makes me
Become a beast that forgets it once had love and faith
Become a beast that devours the body until nothing is left, ha

I'm in a cruel prison, too much to bear
Because of myself
I'm confused by just one thing that makes me, ha

Just one day, I just want to go back
I don't want to hurt anyone anymore
I've had enough
Just one thing that came up
It deceived me into deceiving myself, ha
Droits traduction : traduction officielle en Anglais sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction interdite sans autorisation.

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